Models and Intelligent Databases
A key concept that characterizes next generation design tools is model-driven design. First
generation CAD tools were designed to produce pieces of paper, called construction drawings in the case of telco, utility, road, and highway networks. The objects that were manipulated were graphical objects, coloured symbols and lines. By introducing the concept of a model, we can create intelligent databases which are comprised of real world objects such as conductors, transformers, and service points.
Several years ago, Autodesk Map and later AutoCAD introduced support for classification. This represented a major advance because now an object was not simply a red line or a green triangle, but a real world object like a primary conductor or a transformer, something meaningful to an electrical engineer. We use the term class to refer to a type of equipment associated with a domain. For example, a simple electric network is comprised of several classes including primary and secondary conductors, transformers, junctions, terminations, service points, fuses, poles, and substations. It is often useful to differentiate between classes of objects that can carry an electric current such as conductors and transformers, and structural elements such as poles and transformer pads.
Objects such as transformers, service points, fuses, and poles are typically modelled as point objects (x,y). Linear features such as conductors are modelled as polylines (x1,y1,..xn,yn).
A class of objects has common properties. For example, properties of poles might include the year installed, type of material (wood, metal, concrete), and height.
Objects relate to other objects. For example, a cable can connect to other cables and to transformers and fuses. It is useful to differentiate connectivity, which is a relationship between classes of objects that carry an electrical current, and asssociation, which a relationshio between electrical objects and structural objects such as poles and substations. A pole supports an electrical cable, but does not carry electrical current.
Also associated with intelligent databases is a set up constraints which are designed to ensure the consistency of the database. The most common constraints are of two types, property constraints and relationship constraints.
Property constaints limit the values that a property can have. For example, the length of a pole must be greater than zero or the year that a pole was installed must be between 1940 and 2006.
Relatonship constraints are constraints on how classes of objects relate to one another. For example, a conductor can connect to another conductor or a transformer, but not to road or a river. A pole can be associated with a transformer.
UML Modelling
A simple graphical way to model infrastructure networks is using UML (unified modelling language),
an industry standard (OMG) way of representing object models. There are several software tools that support UML including Rational Rose. A very simple introduction to general UML modeling is Objects First with Java: A Practical Introduction using BlueJ.
Benefits of Intelligent Databases
The advantage of a model-based design compared to a traditional CAD drawing is that operations that are standard day to day processes for organizations responsible for infrastructure networks can be modelled and operated. For example, a typical operation at a utlility is an upstream trace. When a customer calls in reporting a power outage at a residence or business, the power utility' needs to follow the electrical circuit from the reported power outage upstream to determine where the failure may have occured. With an intelligent database which models connected electrical components, you can auomatically perform an upstream trace to identify the network components that may have failed. You can also export electrical network information to electrical analysis applications such as Millsoft. In the case of a telco, a typical operation that can be easily performed with an intelligent database is a loop makeup. Both upstream traces and loop makeups are operations that need to be performed many times a day so that automating these operations improves the productivity of engineering staff.
Domain Models
Dat models are domain specific. For example, there are different models for the water, wastewater, electric, and gas industries. Also within an industry there are different models. Telcos have developed different models for copper, fibre, cable, and wireless networks. In addition each utility and telco typically defines its own model to fit its business processes.
Infrastructure Management Applications
Infrastructure applications run on intelligent database and are used for data maintenance and automating operations such as upstream trace and loop makeup. Intelligent databases and infrastructure management applications are not new. The earliest ones date from the early 1980's. In the early 1990's relational database manaement systems (RDBMS) were first used to store intelligent databases. What is new is application development tools that enable developers to easily define a data model and an infrastructure management application to support the unique business processes of an organization. Autodesk has two products that support customized data models.
For the high end Autodesk GIS Design Server (AGDS) supports highly customized solutions for large telcos and utilities and is able to scale to very large databases and thousands of concurrent users.
For the midrange, Topobase supports configurable, as opposed to customized, solutions and will offer out of the box data models for water, waste water, electric, and other infrastructure networks. Both Topobase and AGDS rely on spatially-enabled Oracle RDBMS.
For the low end, you can expect to see more and more model-based functionality being supported in Autodesk Map3D, MapGuide, and applications like Autodesk Utility Design. For example, FDO, which is included in Map3D and MapGuide, supports features with class, location, properties and relationships.
To wrap up, if you haven't already, I would strongly encourage you to start thinking about using data models. If you're an AutoCAD or Autodesk Map3D user, consider using model-based features such as classificaton. It is not difficult to retrofit a set of classes to your existing data, especially if you have been consistent in in how you have represented similar types of equipment and the properties assigned to them. The benefits of intelligent databases are significant.