I'm in Huntsville, Alabama for the Rocket City Geospatial Conference where Neal Niemiec and I will be running a lab today on Creating Web 2.0 applications on an open source platform, I'll be talking later in the
week on Web 2.0, Open Spatial Data Access, and Open Source Geospatial Software and Darren Dambly will talk about 3D Visualization in Urban Training and Planning.
There are going to be interesting speakers tomorrow and Wednesday including Dr John Christy of the University of Alabama here in Huntsville. Dr Christy is the lead author of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which together with Al Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize last Friday. "The University of Alabama-Huntsville has one of the few research
centers which actually builds from scratch the types of datasets which
describe variations and trends in climate. These may come from digital
counts of satellite sensors, to individual balloon ascents to
long-dormant dusty files of African weather data in a British library." Should be interesting.