Having gotten a bit frustrated with waiting minutes or worst case hours for my Windows machine to complete security checks, for Outlook to finish having two or three coffees, and for an administrator scan, I decided to try something a little speedier. A month ago we bought a Linux notebook, because my wife is
taking a course at the University of Toronto and didn't want to lug an expensive and heavy Windows machine between Ottawa and the U of T.
This machine comes with pretty much everything you need for everyday computing including Firefox, mail clients, Skype, Open Office 2 (which reads .doc, .ppt, and .xls files), WiFi and wired networking, and pretty much works right out of the box. But best of all it boots up in 10 seconds, shuts down in 3 seconds, has no moving parts, fits in a purse, weighs less than kg, is lime green and cost $300.
All so very cool, that I bought another one a week later and have been carrying it around and using it as a second computer (for example between flights when I don't have time to boot up XP) for about three weeks. It runs GNU/Linux, which looks to be a Debian distro with some Xandros apps. The OS source code is available for download OS Download.
Nice... good to see more people using the eee. It is a great machine and makes you finally realize that 8lb brick you have been carrying around is not worth the trouble. For traveling it is great and hey, you can even do some development on it as well!
Posted by: Aaron Racicot | February 25, 2008 at 01:09 PM