On the first day of GeoWeb 2008, Neal Niemiec gave a hands-on afternoon lab on integrating CAD, GIS and BIM technologies on an open source platform, MapGuide Open Source and FDO. Neal included an introduction to BIM as well as IFC, CityGML, DWF and KML, and participants built an application that integrated CAD, GIS and BIM models. Like the first lab that Neal, Paul Spencer and I gave last year at GeoWeb on open source geospatial, Neal had a full house - there wasn't an empty seat. This is indicative of the level of interest there is in both topics, open source geospatial and BIM/CAD/GIS integration.
Tomorow, Neal and I will be giving a hands-on lab on Creating location aware web 2.0 applications on an open source platform at OSCON in Portland. OSCON is a general open source event and not specifically geospatial, but the last time we checked, 60 people had signed up for this lab which is really quite amazing. Last year at OSCON I gave a presentation about open source geospatial and I was really rather surprised and gratified when about 30 people showed up for this. Hence the lab this year. To me this suggests that there is significant and growing awareness of open source geospatial in the general open source community.