Geoff Zeiss

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March 11, 2009


AutoCAD Learning Guide

Although very detailed, yet I would like to ask if I could have a video tutorial of how to use GIS/GPS technology in connection with AutoCAD?

Justin Lokitz

In the past year, and as part of AutoCAD Map 3D 2010, we announced the addition of what we call Survey Tools for AutoCAD Map 3D. These tools include the ability to import LandXML and ASCII files into AutoCAD Map 3D from field data collection systems, like GPS devices and total stations etc. There is a lot of great information (including videos) about these tools here:

Also, stay tuned for more exciting announcements regarding field data collection etc.


paul guilas

This is very interesting! As a civil engineer I know GIS and I know CAD, and I can see this has a lot of promise in geospatial science and engineering. i want to learn more about this.

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