I blogged earlier about Vancouver's committment to open data, open standards, and open source. The City is committed to freely sharing its data in accessible formats and has just opened their Open Data Catalogue Beta, Vancouver's data.gov, where you can find and download the data (shp, kml, csv, xls, dwg, ecw, Mr. Sid) used on VanMap. The data is available for free and with an unrestrictive license. This follows the lead of the government of Canada and the provinces and territories.
Terms of Use
The terms of use are very open, equivalent to a BSD, MIT, or Creative Commons Attribution licence.
"The City of Vancouver (City) now grants you a world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive licence to use, modify, and distribute the datasets in all current and future media and formats for any lawful purpose. You now acknowledge that this licence does not give you a copyright or other proprietary interest in the datasets. If you distribute or provide access to these datasets to any other person, whether in original or modified form, you agree to include a copy of, or this Uniform Resource Locator (URL) for, these Terms of Use and to ensure they agree to and are bound by them but without introducing any further restrictions of any kind."