Geoff Zeiss

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« URISA Annual Conference 2010 - Challenges in the Geospatial Industry | Main | GITA 2011 Intelligent Infrastructure for a Sustainable Future - Call for Abstracts »

September 30, 2010


Matt Sutherland

I'm a network admin for an engineering firm in Los Angeles and my behind is still sore from an Autodesk audit we just went through. Strangely, at the same time, my boss calls me and tells me how awesome AcadWS is on her iPad and when I discover that there's an intermediary host (if you are indeed working with someone else) that houses all your drawings. People are flocking to the cloud without reading any legalese during install and are throwing their data - incredibly valuable data - onto servers that they have no idea who owns, who has access to, or what can and cannot legally be done with those uploads by the system owners. Have people lost their minds??


You make a very good point about the risks associated with putting valuable data in the cloud. This is one of the reasons that AutoCAD WS now allows you to store your drawing files on your own servers.

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