Geoff Zeiss

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October 04, 2010


Martha Wells

Geoff, Thanks for the publicity. A major point, however, is that while the committee that organized much of this was primarily the 5 of us (Hilary, Ed, Carl, Sara and myself), the effort involved over 500 people who signed on to use our Wiki site, and contributed mightily to the discussion, debate, and even drafted pieces that were used. We received over 500 comments on the 3 published drafts as well, and have incorporated much of this into the Standard. It was truly a community work, and the members of the Address Standard Working Group is grateful to all who contributed. We are now looking to the vendor community and all of the jurisdictions at each level to incorporate the Standard into their work environments. We expect to be developing implementation guides and training materials in the next year. Again, thanks for the coverage. Martha McCart Wells, GISP, on behalf of the Address Standard Work Group.

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