The interdependence of water and electric power is a critical world issue especially in areas of water stress and rapidly increasing population. According to the USGS in 2000 thermoelectric-power (coal, natural gas, and nuclear) withdrawals accounted for 48 % of total water use in the US. In water stressed areas like the Southeast, the proportion used for thermoelectric generation is even higher, 65%.
Water and wastewater systems require electric power. In the US 3% of total electric power consumption is used for public water systems. In the US the median power required for water produced and delivered is 1.0 to 2.5 kWh per 1000 gallons.
80-90 % of this is used for pumping. In California 19% of the state's electric power consumption is used for water, because so much water has to be pumped to Southern California cities like Los Angeles.
Significant amounts of electric power is also used for filtration and water treatment. New water treatment and filtration technologies use more power. (mg = million gallons)
Additional power required
UV disinfection 70-100 kWh/mg
Ozone disinfection 170/kWh/mg
Microfiltration 100 kWh/mg
Ultrafiltration 1000 kWh/mg
Nanofiltration and reverse osmosis 1800 kWh/mg
UV and ozone disinfection and microfiltration each add about 10% to the power required for water treatment, whereas ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, and reverse osmosis each double the energy required for water treatment.