On Thursday, March 17, 2011 11:44 JST (10:44:00 p.m. Wednesday March 16) NHK reported that the cooling systems at Units 3 and 4 spent fuel pools (SFP) are not functioning. There is a risk that the fuel rods could melt and release radioactive material outside the building.
The big concern is that melting rods could lead to recriticality.
Unit 3 SFP
Japanese military helicopters began dumping water on Unit 3 reactor building. The objective is to cool down Unit 3 spent fuel pool (SFP). Two CH-47 helicopters began releasing water over the reactor building while another helicopter checked radiation levels in the air. The first water-dropping operation was completed at around 10:15 AM (09:15 p.m. Wednesday ET). You can see the NHK video of these operations on NHK or the BBC.
Efforts are also being made to inject water into Unit 3 SFP from the ground. Eleven large-capacity military fire trucks are heading to the site. The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department has sent riot-squad trucks equipped with water cannons. The trucks were originally deployed to douse the Number Four reactor SFP, but they will be used to spray water on the Number Three reactor SFP instead. The work is expected to begin around noon (23:00:00 Wednesday March 16 ET)
Unit 4 SFP
Cooling operations at the Unit 4 SFP will be carried out from the ground after authorities judged that it would be more effective to spray water from gaps in the wall of the reactor building.