Geoff Zeiss

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« Fukushima Daiichi: Radiation more than 20km from plant continues to drop | Main | Fukushima Daiichi: A nuclear incident that might have been avoided »

March 27, 2011


Karl-Friedrich Lenz

That sounds like an excellent idea. Actually, they should have a small thermal power plant, wind power, solar power and five different connections to the grid as well.

Martin Gugino

I have not seen any evidence that the grid was down at Dai-ichi. It was available at Da-ini on the 12th per TEPCO Status Report Were there photos of pylons knocked over or wires down. There are 6 circuits into Dai-ichi. The connection to units 1&2 is high on a berm, and the wires are connected, even after the Unit 1 explosion.
Wires on the plant site may have been damaged.

Martin Gugino

Could you email me if you find something that explains why they did not power the cooling pumps from the Tohoku owned grid?? Thanks.
Note the connection into the grid for units 5&6 is also fairly high up.

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