Geoff Zeiss

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« Japan Requests IAEA Assessment of Nuclear Reactor Situation at Fukushima | Main | Fukushima Daiichi Unit 5 Reactor Pressure Increasing, Water Level Dropping »

March 15, 2011



From, dated March 15th, 2011:
Responding to a request today from TEPCO to deliver 10 GE truck-mounted gas turbines which can provide temporary power (Click here for a photo). Three of those 10 are ready in Florida and are awaiting air transport. GE Energy, along with its Aeroderivative Gas Turbines business, has also been in contact with IHI, in addition to other companies in the region, to support equipment delivery in Japan. GE’s cross-functional business teams are coordinating engineering and project resources as well as equipment availabilities.

I wonder why GE (on their own initiative and expense) didn't get those generators started towards Japan on day one of the problem?
How do we get the three that are ready on their way to Japan immediately?

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