TEPCO reports Plant Status of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station as of 9am March 13th (07:00:00 p.m. Saturday March 12 Eastern Time)
Unit 1(Shut down)
- We have been injecting sea water and boric acid which absorbs neutron
into the reactor core.
Unit 2(Shut down)
- Reactor has been shut down and Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System has
been injecting water to the reactor. Current reactor water level is lower
than normal level, but the water level is steady. After fully securing
safety, we are preparing to implement a measure to reduce the pressure of
the reactor containment vessels under the instruction of the national
Unit 3(Shut down)
- Reactor has been shut down. However, High Pressure Core Injection System
has been automatically shut down and water injection to the reactor is
currently interrupted. We are examining alternative way to inject water.
Also, following the instruction by the government and with fully securing
safety, steps to lowering the pressure of reactor containment vessel has
been taken. Spraying in order to lower pressure level within the reactor
containment vessel has been cancelled.
- Currently, we do not believe there is any reactor coolant leakage inside
the reactor containment vessel.
Also TEPCO reported heightened radiation readings outside of the containment vessel
After the shut down, the values of radioactive materials (iodine, etc)
measured by the monitoring car have been increasing. Increase in the
measured value has also been recognized in one of the monitoring posts.
Furthermore, at 3:29PM, Mar 12, radiation dose measured at site boundary
has exceeded the limiting value. Therefore, at 4:17PM, Mar 12, it was
determined that a specific incident stipulated in article 15, clause 1
has occurred.
After that, the radiation dose at the monitoring post decreased once.
Today [Mar 13], the measured value revamped and the radiation dose measured at
site boundary exceeded the limiting value again. As such, at 8:56AM,
today, it was determined that a specific incident stipulated in article
15, clause 1 occurred.
In the 20-kilometre radius around Fukushima Daiichi an estimated 170,000 people have been evacuated.