MEXT publishes radiation readings for all prefectures, except Miyagi and Fukushima, by hour as well as readings from monitoring posts 20 km or more away from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station.
The highest readings among the prefectures for which readings were reported on March 18 were in Ibaraki Prefecture, just south of Fukushima Prefecture
- 0-1 0.203 μSv/hr
- 6-7 0.198 μSv/hr
- 11-12 0.192 μSv/hr
- 14-15 0.189 μSv/hr
- 16-17 0.187 μSv/hr
These readings are about four times the average reading in Tokyo of 0.050 μSv/hr for the period between Mar 17 9 am and Mar 18 9 am.
The highest readings reported for the region more than 20 km away from Fukushima Daiichi were recorded 30 km northwest of Fukushima Daiichi Mar 18.
- 13:32 150 μSv/hr
- 12:33 140 μSv/hr
- 11:33 140 μSv/hr
This is almost 3000 times the average reading in Tokyo. This means that a person would get in 20 hrs the equivalent of a year's dose from ambient background radiation.
March 16 readings of 330 μSv/hr were recorded 20 km northwest of Fukushima Daiichi.