TEPCO has reported the highest levels of radioactivity in sea water near the Fukushima plant that I have seen.
Detected near the water intake of the Unit 2 reactor at 11:50 AM Saturday Apr 2
- 300,000 Bq/cm3 iodine 131 (7.5 million times the legal limit)
Same location Monday Apr 4 9am
- 200,000 Bq/cm3 iodine-131 (5 million times the legal limit)
- 1.1 million times the legal limit of cesium 137
March 27th Turbine room of Unit 2
- 13 million Bq/cm3 iodine 131
More than 1,000 mSv/hr
NISA says it believes the radioactive substances are from nuclear fuel which leaked from the reactor into the water and flowed out. Experts say these new readings makes it clear that highly radioactive substances from the reactor are flowing into the sea, and that the leak must be stopped as soon as possible.
Previous readings of seawater near plant from TEPCO
Thursday, March 31 12:55 JST (23:55:00 Wednesday March 30 ET) seawater 330 meters south of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.
- 180 Bq/cm3 (180 000 Bq/liter) of iodine-131 Wednesday March 30 afternoon (4,385 times higher than the legal standard)
- Cesium-137 was recorded at a level 527 times higher than the legal standard.
Tuesday March 29
- 3,355-times level of cesium-137
Previous readings of seawater near plant reported by IAEA
IAEA has reported that the latest analyses of seawater 330 m south of the discharge point of NPP Units 1-4 were made available for 29 March.
- 130 000 Bq/liter of I-131
- 32 000 Bq/liter of Cs-137
- 31 000 Bq/liter of Cs-134
330 m east of the discharge points of Units 1 - 4.
Sunday March 27 reported by IAEA
- 11 000 Bq/liter of iodine-131
- 1 900 Bq/liter of cesium-137
Saturday March 26 reported by IAEA
- 74 000 Bq/liter of iodine-131
- 12 000 Bq/liter of cesium-137
- 12 000 Bq/liter of cesium-134