Geoff Zeiss

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« Utility Workforce Crisis in Europe: Participation rates among older workers | Main | China's Workforce Projected to Decline Starting in 2013 »

July 14, 2011


Brian Lee

Those statistics have been the great dilemma of South Korea. The government has been pushing programs to boost new births by rewarding parents who have many children. Even with these programs, there aren't many who accept as it won't put a dent in the cost of living (education, food, housing).

Without a high birthrate, the older are also living longer. This is likely to put a great strain on the Korean government. Talk about social security cuts in the United States...

I think this is a viscious cycle. There's the older who aren't retiring, and there's the younger who can't settle down because of unavailable work occupied by the older. The unmarried singles will also tend to live with their parents long into their 30's. Their parents continue working to support their 30 somethings living at home. Meanwhile they'll stay unemployed and play computer games all night long.

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