At Gridweek yesterday, Ross Hemphill outlined Commonwealth Edison's (ComEd) smart grid pilot program. The program, which was approved by the regulator and started in 2008, involves installation of 130,000 smart meters in and near Chicago including several high rise buildings and the automated meter infrastructure (AMI) to support the smart meters.
This pilot is particularly interesting because it attempts to differentatiate between and quantity two types of benefits, one from operational efficiency and the other from changing consumer behaviour. The operational efficiency business case analysis and report, which was prepared by Black and Veatch, concluded that the cost to ComEd customers in installing smart meter technology would be more than offset by the benefits. The payback from operational efficiency is estimated to be six years. The savings identified as resulting from operational improvements is estimated at $2.8 billion over 20 years.
The second report analying the benefits from changing customer behaviour is being prepared by Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and will be available in the next couple of months.