I've blogged on multiple occasions, most recently here and here, about the workforce challenges facing the utility industry in the world's advanced economies. At today's Gridweek lunch session, Pat Ryan of the IEEE PES said that 50% of US power engineers will be eligible to retire in five years. He referred to the 2009 IEEE PES Workforce Collaborative Report that made six recommendations for preparing the next generation of power engineers. Two of the recommendations were
- double the number of power engineering undergraduates
- stimulate educational programs for power engineeering
Today he announced the IEEE PES Scholarship Plus initiative to respond to these recommendations. IEEE PES is offering a program that includes scholarships, hands-on experience during university, and mentoring for power engineering students. This is an additive program designed to complement other scholarship programs. In the first year the IEEE PES plans to offer 94 scholarships, but intends to ramp this up to 1500 scholarships a year.