The Carbon Disclosure Project's CDP Cities is a voluntary climate change reporting platform for city governments. Each year, CDP invites a sample of cities to participate. In 2011 43 cities participated. The 2011 CPD Cities report is available here. Using the 2011 report Autodesk has partnered with the Carbon Disclosure Project to create an interactive map of the cities around world that participated in the CDP Cities program. For the 43 cities that participated in the CDP Cities' first questionnaire on greenhouse gas emissions and activities to counter climate change, the map shows their responses to the questionnaire enabling users to see how the cities are addressing storm, drought, heat, flooding and other climate risks.
For 2012, CDP has invited C40 member cities, as well as the largest cities in each region of the world. The CDP recently sent out its questionnaire for 2012. The CDP invites all cities regardless of size to respond.