Geoff Zeiss

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January 26, 2012


Steven Ramage

Geoff, I think this is a big deal for the OGC and the geospatial community for a number of reasons. One of them is the speed at which this standard went through the OGC process, another is the simplicity of the standard and limited amount of associated documentation. More importantly is the fact that this is communications infrastructure, so it's taking geospatial to the masses via a standards-based method for encoding location. Think of all the people in Africa and Asia with access to mobile phones, but not computers. There's also a commercial model for subscribers since it is already being used by organisations in Taiwan. It is working with Sahana and Ushahidi and we want to get others from the humanitarian space like NetHope and FrontlineSMS to help us promote and use it. Mobile Network Operators are also already using it or reviewing potential use and we're meeting up with the UN ITU next month to explain the standard to them. OGC is still perceived by many to be just doing OGC WMS, WFS, WCS, etc. this highlights some of the innovation and international activity coming out of the OGC.

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