Germany's photovoltaic (PV) solar power generating sources produced power at a rate of 22 GW, meeting almost half of national electricity demand at midday on Saturday, May 26. This level of power generation would meet a third of demand on a workday. Currently Germany gets about 20 percent of its total annual power from renewable sources including solar, wind, and biomass.
Germany was one of the first countries to implement a feed-in-tariff program, in which power companies are subsideized to pay higher rates for distributed renewable energy sources. According to a 2012 report by the Environment Ministry, German power consumers have about € 4 billion per year added to their electricity bills for solar power, according to a 2012 report by the Environment Ministry.
Germany added 7.5 GW of installed solar power generation capacity in 2011 and 1.8 GW more in the first quarter for a total of 26 GW capacity. Even RWE, long a hold out on solar power, has announced that it plans to invest in PV farms in southern Europe. Germany’s energy intensity, energy use per GDP, decreased by over 3% in 2011.
I remember that about two years ago on at about 5pm on Sunday May 23, 2010, renewable energy set another record, in Texas when wind generation reached about 6.7GW, about 20% of Texas' total state power demand.