Geoff Zeiss

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« What is the future of coal for power generation in the U.S. ? | Main | Agreement reached on revisions to German feed-in-tariff program »

July 05, 2012


Denyse DuBrucq

With statistics like over 600 homes destroyed in Colorado in a week by wildfire infusion into communities, it is time to question the capability of the US Forest Service in handling these fires. I discovered how to use Nitrogen to fight these fires in 2003 and have for the last nine years requested, demanded, offered, whatever, to have this new method tested by the US Forest Service and to this time they have refused to even test it and have prevented our working the fire lines. This new method offers Global Cooling. Were both wildfires controlled faster, coal mine fires ended, and coal burning smoke abated, the sustaining heating of the globe would subside and Global cooling should be noticed. See USP 7,631,506.

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