Geoff Zeiss

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« Europe's Digital Agenda review: EUROGI recommends geospatial including BIM, open data/services and an EU property service | Main | China expanding smart grid technologies including energy storage »

July 24, 2012


College of Energy, environment And Sustainability

In recent years, energy efficiency has become a hot topic both in the political world and in the eyes of the average
American. People have realized that choosing alternative energy could have several positive effects in years to come
and want to become involved in conservation efforts. Appliances and building materials that save energy and precious
fossil fuels are beginning to rise in popularity over other less efficient methods.
I have read your information, Its helpful and good to read herein. As all world is going to be a part of this,so we also contribute our part with the help of our energy education courses and certificate programs, known as "College of energy, Environment And Sustainability(CEES)".

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