Katherine Hamilton, very influential in energy circles and ex-president of the Gridwise Alliance, an organization representing a broad range of the energy supply chain from utilities to emerging tech companies, has just made a post on her blog (also posted on AOL Energy) that just could be the harbinger of a sea change in the discussion about climate change. Entitled "Clean Energy Policy: Reducing Climate Change Without the Politics", it starts off
"This blog—and my career, frankly – has carefully steered clear of politically sensitive issues and focused instead on advocating for smart public policy. But having lived through summer after summer in Washington, D.C., with temperatures continuously climbing above 100 degrees and increasingly violent storms (with scientists echoing that things seem to be progressing more quickly then once thought), I finally am compelled to comment on the topic of climate change.
"Given these circumstances, it seems that at long last, a real conversation about climate change is bound to happen. I actually think climate change policy does not have to be mired in politics, especially when the skepticism is concentrated in a small part of the political spectrum in Washington, D.C."
She then goes on to give her personal experience of the climate change debate beginning with COP15 in 2009 and the subsequent unsuccessful attempt in the U.S. Congress at cap and trade legislation, after which the "topic become taboo in many political circles." She says that she now thinks "the pendulum is due to swing back."