The Victorian Spatial Council developed a framework for sharing based on licenses and metadata, not only within the Government of Victoria, but also among utilities, telecommunications firms, National Government, other government, quasi-government, and non-government organizations. The program is based on the Victorian Spatial Information Strategy, and incorporates the concept of custodianship. They have encouraged organizations with data to share to participate in the program as data custodians. This is a voluntary program, not mandated by legislation.
In August 2012 the Victorian Government released the DataVic Access Policy, which enables the sharing of Government data at no, or minimal, cost to users. In 2012 and 2013, raw Government data from all agencies will be progressively supplied in a machine-readable format. The DataVic Access Policy provides direction on the release, licensing
and management of Victorian Government data so that it can be used and
reused by the community and businesses.
Recently the Victorian Government released its first set of raw spatial data online including data about electoral and planning boundaries, transport networks in the state, parks and conservation areas, and oil and gas fields. The data is available on the government’s Open Data portal. Currently there are about 525 spatial datasets from the Department of Environment and Primary Industries, Department of Justice, and others. The objective is 1000 datasets on the open data portal by September 2013.