I blogged earlier about Google joining LocationTech as a strategic member (together with IBM, Oracle, Boundless( was OpenGeo), and Actuate).
After lining up key strategic members, the next step was to attract open source geospatial projects which wanted to take advantage of the governance and intellectual property services including commercially friendly licensing that LocationTech/Eclipse provides. LocationTech has recently received a number of project proposals that will put LocationTech on the leading edge of open source geospatial development.
Hadoop provides scalable processing for huge datasets by using MapReduce, a programming paradigm for distributed processing, to build an efficient framework for processing large-scale data. SpatialHadoop is an extension to Hadoop that allows efficient processing of "big spatial data".
Accumulo is a robust, scalable, high performance data storage and retrieval system based on Google's BigTable design and built on Hadoop. GeoMesa provides a foundation for storing, querying, and transforming spatio-temporal data in Accumulo. It implements Geotools interfaces that enable Geoserver and other Geotools related projects to use Accumulo as a data store.
GeoTrellis is a general framework for low-latency geospatial data processing developed using Scala and Akka. GeoTrellis was designed to solve three core problems, initially for raster processing, scalable, high performance geoprocessing web services; distributed geoprocessing services for large data sets; and arallelizing geoprocessing operations to take full advantage of multi-core architectures.GeoGit
I blogged about this recently because it is a project to develop distributed long transactions for geospatial data.
GeoGit is a distributed version control system specially designed to handle geospatial data efficiently. It takes inspiration from the source code versioning system Git, but has an approach suited to spatial data (currently Shapefiles, PostGIS, MS SQLServer, or SpatiaLite.) GeoGit efficiently handles very large binary data and is optimized for spatial data using a spatial index.
JTS Topology Suite
The JTS Topology Suite (JTS) is an open source Java software library that provides an object model for planar geometry together with a set of fundamental geometric functions. JTS conforms to the Simple Features Specification for SQL published by the Open GIS Consortium. JTS provides the core component for vector-based geomatics software or can be used as a general-purpose computational geometry library.
Geoff (Geo Fast Forward)
Geoff is intended to enable existing Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP) applications to integrate into the geospatial domain using lightweight components to visualizing geospatial information on a geographical map embedded in the RCP applications.
GeoScript adds spatial capabilities to dynamic scripting languages. GeoScript provides a collection of modules based on the Geotools library for geometry handling, spatial data access, and vector feature rendering. GeoScript is currently implemented in Groovy, JavaScript, Python, and Scala.