GeoJSON is becoming prevalent. I just came across an online site OGRE for converting a variety of vector formats to GeoJSON and vice versa. Formats supported include
- GeoJSON .json or .geojson
- ESRI Shapefile .shp, .dbf, and .shx
- KML / KMZ .kml or .kmz
- GeoRSS .rss, .georss, or .xml
- GML .gml .gml and .xsd
- BNA .bna
- CSV .csv
- DGN .dgn
- DXF .dxf
- GeoConcept .gxt or .txt
- GMT .gmt
- MapInfo .tab, .map, .id, and .dat
It uses the ogr2ogr utility. The site has a 15 MB file size limit.