At the Second Annual Summit on Data Analytics for Utilities in Toronto, Mathieu Viau, a researcher at Hydro Quebec's IREQ research centre gave a presentation on how he has been using a semantic layer to allow semantic tools such as RDF, OWL and SPARQL to be used to implement semantic interoperability using real utility data from operational GIS, MDMS, ERP, DMS, and other systems. The implementation is inherently geospatial because it is based on Oracle Spatial and Graph.
In this example Mathieu mapped data from GIS, MDMS, DMS, ERP and other systems onto the IEC 61968 Common Information Model (CIM) which is a widely used data model standard for distribution networks. Data quality has become an increasingly important issue because greater grid reliability is one of the important objectives of the smart grid especially in North America. The semantic layer allowed SPARQL queries against a variety of operational data a lot of which includes location. Examples that Mathieu gave included finding all fuses that are more than 12 meters away from a conductor or mapping transformer voltage levels to identify overloaded equipment.