The OSGeo Korean Chapter has announced that Seoul, South Korea has been selected to host the 2015 Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G) international conference in September 2015. This is the first time the world's largest open source geospatial event has been held in Asia.
The Korean government has recently released a bid for an open source GIS R&D project with a budget of US$ 9.5 million signaling that open source is becoming an important part of the GIS landscape in South Korea.
The OSGeo Korean Chapter has organized a FOSS4G Korea event since 2011 with growing attendance each year. Additional supporters of the Seoul FOSS4G event are KSIS (Korea Spatial Information Society), a Korean academic society with geospatial professional, researchers, students, and policy makers and KAOS-G (Korean Alliance OpenSource for Geospatial), an
alliance of open source GIS companies in South Korea.