NEDO estimates that about 50% of time over-runs on commercial building projects are caused by unforeseen ground conditions.* There are two aspects to the problems associated with the subsurface. One is geotechnics, soil, ground water, and geology conditions. The other is the location of underground infrastructure, utilities, telecommunications and other cables and pipes. There are growing government, private sector and standards initiatives in both of these areas in the U.K. to improve the information and sharing of information about the subsurface.
Social driver: Public safety
Public safety is an important social driver for improving knowledge about the underground. I remember attending a Pipeline Industries Guild (PIG) conference in Birmingham, U.K. in 2005 where the focus of the entire event was to motivate the pipeline operators industry in England to voluntarily participate in a call-before-you-dig centre that would reduce the risk of damage to underground infrastructure during excavation. There had been a near major disaster in Birmingham (Hunton Hill) when a gas company crew had attempted what was supposed to be a routine tap into a gas main to connect a new customer. Three drill bits later, the crew knocked off. Fortunately an ESSO contractor just happened to pass by and recognized that the gas crew had been attempting to tap into a high pressure fuel line. At the conference the section of pipe with dimple caused by the gas crew was shown. A number of experts described the the extent of the disaster that would have followed if the crew had tapped into the line. The 2003 gas explosion in Belgium would have paled by comparison. In just the last month in the Americas, there has been an explosion in downtown San Francisco, another one in Durham, North Carolina, one in downtown Sao Paulo, and an evacuation of a neighbourhood in Calgary, Canada when a 6" gas main was ruptured during excavation.
Economic driver: construction productivity
The major problem facing the construction industry in advanced economies is productivity which has plateaued or even declined over the past 40 years. With the growth of private investment in infrastructure, improved productivity has become urgent. McKinsey has made the case that BIM and geospatial are key technologies in transforming construction. The U.K. has been a leader in the digitalization of the construction industry, mandating that from 2016 all public construction in the U.K. must use a BIM Level 2 process. The subsurface has been for the most part ignored in the application of digital technology to construction, but there are signs now that this is changing in the U.K., as people recognize the drag on construction projects and the broader national economy that this represents. Improving the reliability of and sharing location information about the underground can be seen as 'low hanging fruit' in the quest to improve construction productivity.
Sharing subsurface geotechnical information
One of the problems is that every construction project involves considerable effort to discover subsurface geotechnical conditions and the location of underground infrastructure in the area to be excavated, but a large proportion of the data generated by the UK ground engineering industry is used for one project and not shared. In the Netherlands the problem is being addressed by the Key Registry for the Subsurface (BRO) which came into force in January, 2018. The BRO registry consists of 26 data types, which will become mandatory in installments over five years and all of which include location. On 1 January 2018,it become mandatory to report the first three data types, geotechnical surveys (CPT), groundwater monitoring wells and soil drilling sample profiles. On 26 June 2018, this data became publicly available via the Dutch open data portal PDOK.
In the UK the Dig to Share project, supported by Atkins, British Geological Survey (BGS) and Morgan Sindall, is addressing this problem. Its aim is to develop a fully digital workflow, which is accessible to the whole industry, to upload and access data from the BGS web-based system. This will be developed on top of the existing system hosted and maintained by BGS.
I should add that in the domain of geotechnics Keynetix is a UK-based provider of cloud-based software for capturing, visualizing, modeling, and sharing of geotechnical data. Bentley Systems has just announced the acquisition of Keynetix which adds to Bentley's products for the subsurface including borehole report management (gINT) and geotechnical analysis applications (PLAXIS and SoilVision) with which Bentley is targeting enabling a digital twin of the underground.
Sharing information about the location of underground infrastructure
The Geospatial Commission has just announced its intention to create an Underground Assets Register. The intention is to show where electricity and telecom cables, and gas and water pipes are buried to help prevent both accidents and disruption to the economy. The project will start with £3.9 million pilot projects split between London and the North East.
Related to this is the North East Underground Infrastructure Hub (NEUIH) , the Ordnance Survey's and Northumbrian Water's project to create a ‘Common Infrastructure Map’ in Newcastle. The current phase of the initiative is called ‘Sunderland sand box’ and implements a dataset that contains almost full water, gas, electricity and a great deal of telco data for the city of Sunderland.
Collecting underground utility damage statistics
The U.K. has not had access to good statistics on underground utility strikes similar to the Common Ground Alliance in North America. Since 2014 the Utility Strike Avoidance Group (USAG) has begun collecting statistics on underground utility damage. USAG currently operates on a voluntary basis with no direct funding other than the support offered by member organizations. Its 2015/2016 report includes over 2700 utility strikes across the UK during 2015 & 16 from 32 participants. For comparison in the U.S. there were 316,422 incidents of damage to underground infrastructure reported to the Common Ground Alliance in 2017. According to the Japan Construction Industry Association (Edson Enohi personal communication), in all of Japan in 2016 there were 134 incidents.
One-call centre for England
England does not have legislation mandating a one-call centre as just about every state and province in North America does. This puts the onus on excavators to track down and contact utilities and others who may have infrastructure in the area of the planned excavation. To fill the gap a private company LinesearchbeforeUdig (LSBUD) offers something similar to a North American one-call centre. I had the opportunity to chat with Richard Broome, Managing Director of LSBUD. LSBUD offers a voluntary free to use service which anyone planning excavation can use to check for underground utility assets that LSBUD's 75 members (network operators) have in the area of the planned excavation.
The way this works has some similarities with a North American one-call centre. The excavator provides details of the planned excavation to an online system. The system immediately responds with a list of LSBUD members that have assets near where the excavation is planned. Subsequently each member sends plans of their infrastructure assets in the area of the planned excavation.
LSBUD is owned by Fisher German LLP and PelicanCorp, an Australian company that runs one-call centres in Indiana, Kentucky, Alberta, British Columbia, New Zealand, Australia, Ireland, Singapore in addition to the UK. The assets that LSBUD's member manage include hundreds of thousands of kilometers of underground and overhead electricity, gas, high pressure fuel, water and fibre optic pipes and cables. LSBUD is supported by its members which include all fuel transmission companies, 60-70% of electric power network operators, and some water and telecom operators in England. The benefits that the members derive from LSBUD are improved safety and reduced utility damage costs. The public also benefits from fewer outages. The LSBUD service processes over 2.5 million inquiries per annum.
There are risks of sharing information for both commercial (competitive) or security purposes. To manage this balance, the Member always controls who accesses their data. Members always controls who accesses their data. Users can get very high level information about a Member’s network through the LSBUD oce call process, but members are in full control of the access rights to their detailed information. They also have a live view of those requesting and receiving their information together with a detailed audit trail.
Much of the liability is on the contractor to locate the assets on site. In terms of the accuracy/ validity of the data, the asset owner carries that themselves with relevant disclaimers. The asset owner determines both the Area of Interest (AOI) on the service, as well as any guidance/literature/disclaimers that are sent with their responses.
Coordinating street works
One area that would directly benefit from shared location information about the subsurface is street works. In 2004 the UK Parliament passed the Traffic Management Act, which gave highway authorities greater power to manage traffic disruption caused by 2.5 million roadworks that take place in England each year. In particular it requires excavators to apply for a permit (as Bern has done) for road work providing information about the location and timing of the proposed road work. Late last year the Department for Transport announced an investment of £10 million in Street Manager, a digital planning service that will generate real time data about street construction. It will be free for technology companies and app developers to use. This will allow services like Waze (whose vision is to eliminate traffic congestion) and startups to build app that help motorists avoid congestion caused by road construction.
The Traffic Management Act also enables local councils to charge a fee for permitting road work. One way of using this power is referred to as lane rental. Pilots have been carried out in several location in England and have been found to reduce congestion by half on busy roads. For this to be used effectively requires accurate locate information about underground utilities and communications infrastructure.
Standard relating to the underground
A process to update the 2014 Publicly Available Specification (PAS) 128, has just been initiated. PAS 128, developed under the auspices of the British Standards Institution (BSI) and sponsored by the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) and others, is one of the few that reflects the advances in underground detection technology - hardware and software - that have occurred in the last few years. That it is now being updated suggests that PAS128 will continue to stay current with the underground detection technology curve.
The Open Geospatial Consortium MUDDI initiative to develop a standard for sharing information about the subsurface, including both geotechnics and underground infrastructure, is supported by the Ordnance Survey and includes several U.K. and INSPIRE standards.
Together these government, private sector and standards initiatives reflect the accelerating recognition in the UK of the importance of sharing information about subsurface geotechnics and infrastructure for public safety and construction productivity.
* N.M.H. Alhalaby and I.L.Whyte, The impact of ground risks in construction on project finance in Risk and reliability in ground engineering, Edited by B.O.Skipp, Proceedings of the conference organised by the Institution of Civil Engineers, London, 1993.
"A statistical review of projects revealed that 50% of commercial buildings and 37% of industrial buildings experienced delay due to unforeseen ground conditions. Reports from NEDO state that the most frequent origin of overruns and long delays (greater than 10 weeks) are unforeseen obstacles in the ground."
NEDO Faster building for industry. National Economic Development Office London 1983
NEDO Faster building for commerce. National Economic Development Office London 1988