Public infrastructure projects frequently experience delays and cost overruns - often due to underground utilities - but delays and cost overruns are rare on P3 projects. Furthermore because P3 projects include not only the design/build part of the project but also the operate and/or maintain phase, P3s deliver better designed facilities that can be efficiently operated and maintained during the contract term, which can extend from 15 to 30 or more years. To help public-private partnership (P3) project stakeholders develop an efficient and consistent process for coordinating utilities, the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) has developed a best practices guide specifically targeted on P3 projects. Essential to reducing the risk associated with underground utilities is knowing their accurate, up to date location. The TAC guide makes subsurface utility engineering (SUE) the foundation for coordinating utilities on P3 public infrastructure projects.
Public infrastructure projects frequently experience delays and cost overruns often due to underground utilities. The reason is that on a typical public construction project the government is responsible for project risks that add time and money to an infrastructure project.
Canada has developed a reputation for successfully delivering infrastructure projects using a public-private partnership (P3) approach. P3s are used to deliver an infrastructure project such as building and expanding roads, bridges, transit systems, and other public infrastructure.
On a P3 project the public sector always owns the infrastructure. The government determines when and where to build the project, its scope, and its budget. A competitive process is used by the government to select a private partner. The private partner designs, builds, finances, maintains and/or operates the public infrastructure. Delays and cost overruns are rare on P3 projects, as this approach allocates risks and responsibilities to the public and private sectors based on their areas of expertise. For example, the public sector bears the risk for changes in laws and regulations and the private partner bears the cost of construction delays. Because P3 projects include not only the design/build part of the project but also the operate and/or maintain phase, P3s deliver better designed facilities that can be efficiently operated and/or maintained during the contract term, which can extend from 15 to 30 or more years.
SUE proposed as foundation for coordinating utilities on P3 projects
There is a trend in legislation and regulation which on one hand may provide strong measures for compelling utilities and other infrastructure owners to improve locating, utility treatments and relocations, on the other provide encouragement for a collaborative approach among utility owners and government agencies which replaces the traditional regulatory mechanisms involving fines and other penalties for noncompliance. On P3 projects in particular the key to successful utility coordination is a team approach, with each member having a role in completing their portion of the project. The players on the team are the project owner, typically a government agency that funds the project; the ROW owner, the government agency responsible for maintaining the public ROW; the Utility Coordinator (UC), responsible for utility coordination on all phases of the project; the designer, who designs the P3 project at different stages ranging from conceptual design through detailed design; and utility agencies, the owners of public or private utility infrastructure who are often also the Project Owner. One of the key challenges for utility agencies is providing accurate records of their existing infrastructure to the Project Owner.
SUE and as-built standards
The foundation for the best practices proposed by TAC for utility coordination is subsurface utility engineering (SUE). Standard practice for SUE investigations is based on American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 38, first released as ASCE 38-02 but soon to be replaced by ASCE 38-21. The ASCE 38 standard establishes quality levels for underground utility information that all parties can use to evaluate the accuracy and reliability of underground utility location data.
The standards for "as-builts" for newly installed and relocated infrastructure are ASCE 75 in the U.S. and CSA S-250 in Canada. For example, in Colorado both ASCE 38 and 75 are mandated, which means that every underground and above ground utility segment that's depicted could have either a utility quality level based on ASCE 38 for existing infrastructure or a utility accuracy level from the ASCE 75 "as-constructed" standard for newly installed or relocated utility infrastructure. In Canada it's a little different. Every utility segment could have either a utility quality level based on ASCE 38 for existing infrastructure or a utility accuracy level from the CSA S-250 standard for newly installed or relocated infrastructure.
Application of SUE over project lifecycle
The TAC guidelines breaks the construction process down into phases: Planning, RFP Document Preparation, In-Market Design, Project Implementation and Post-Construction and identifies the roles and responsibilities of each team member during each phase with respect to utility coordination. The TAC guide describes how SUE practice is allocated over the different phases of the project.
During the Planning Phase the Project Owner is responsible for putting together a base plan of the general construction project area that is adequate for the requirements of utility coordination. The base plan is forwarded to all impacted Utility Agencies (public and private), with a request for each utility to provide maps of their utility infrastructure based on the Utility Agency’s current records in the proposed project area. This information represents some of the QL-D (from utility records) and QL-C (from site visits) information for the project and is typically of limited quality. It is often inaccurate, out of date or simply missing, which is frequently he case for abandoned infrastructure. At this stage it is critical that the utility agencies flag high risk utilities such as high pressure transmission lines. Preliminary SUE investigations, providing QL-B (using remote detection technology) and/or QL-A (potholing), may be completed to validate and improve the quality of the utility information. Based on all of this information the Utility Coordinator creates a preliminary Utility Conflict Matrix that lists potential utility conflicts and relevant information about the utilities identified. At the completion of the Planning Phase the approximate location of existing utilities and potential future utility infrastructure and possible relocations of high risk infrastructure should be known.
The Request for Proposal (RFP) Documentation Preparation Phase involves preparing the final RFP documents that will be made available to potential bidders. Included in the activities at this stage is the development of a Reference Concept Design (RCD) which may require that additional preliminary SUE investigations be performed to a quality level required for the Project’s In-Market Design Phase. The RCD is used by the Project Owner and Utility Agencies to conduct utility conflict assessments. If a utility is identified to be in conflict with project works, further SUE QL-A investigations may be required to verify whether it indeed represent a conflict. The RCD design augmented by SUE information plays a significant role in the development of a RCD Utility Conflict Matrix which is a key component of the RFP becausee it provides crucial information about potential utility conflicts to the bidders.
The In-Market Design Phase (or Bid Phase) includes all activities required to deliver a preliminary design which forms the basis for preparing bid estimates. Starting with the RCD Utility Conflict Matrix, each bidder prepares their own Utility Conflict Matrix based on their RFP submission design. Knowing the location of existing utility infrastructure is crucial for the bidder to estimate scope of work. To help identify the location of existing utilities – both buried and overhead – the bidders use the information available as background documents provided with the RFP including utility records for private and public utilities, the RCD Utility Matrix, SUE reports provided by the Project Owner, RCD designs, preliminary utility relocation designs from Utility Agencies, and visual inspection and survey information. Since SUE often extends over more than one phase, it is essential to commence SUE investigations early in the Planning Phase to ensure the information is available to the proponents prior to and not beyond the initial In-market Design. Each bidder is responsible for identifying the location of all existing utilities within the limits of construction, for coordinating any required utility relocations, and all the utility relocation and/or protection work necessary to accommodate utility coordination for the P3 project. During this phase estimating activities may require additional preliminary SUE investigations. The In-Market Design Phase ends with technical and financial submissions from bidders to the Project Owner. Each submission is evaluated based on a technical and financial assessment and the Project Owner awards the P3 Contract to the successful private partner.
The Project Implementation Phase includes all activities associated with delivering the project from contract award through to completion of construction.
The initial objective of the private partner is to complete the preliminary design to a 30% level. To achieve this requires conducting an additional SUE investigation with the objective of achieving QL-B and QL-A for all underground infrastructure within the project limits. This is required to ensure that all the required information has been collected to complete the Detailed Design. This SUE investigation builds on the preliminary SUE information captured during the Planning and In-Market Design Phases. Based on the complete SUE data the private partner creates a Utility Conflict Matrix that can be maintained and updated regularly to ensure that the latest conflict data is always available to project stakeholders.
It is also extremely important for each Utility Agency to have access to the latest detailed design and SUE data to enable them complete their relocation designs early in the process. The initial objective of design is to complete the Detailed Design to a level that is sufficient for the utility companies to initiate their respective detailed designs for their relocation work.
After design and during construction, conflicts with unknown utilities may be encountered. It is essential that they be reported immediately to the Utility Coordinator who will initiate a field conflict resolution process. The private partner and the Utility Agencies need to notify the Utility Coordinator at the first indication of a delay to their relocation schedule due to the unknown conflict. The Utility Coordinator is responsible for assessing the impact of the delay on the overall Utility Relocation Coordination Plan and the private partner will follow up to determine the impact on the overall project schedule.
Once relocation construction is completed it is important to ensure that the records submitted for all relocated underground infrastructure are accurate. Utility Agencies are required to prepare “As-Built” drawings to be submitted to the private partner that are compliant with CSA S-250 quality requirements.
Operation and maintenance (O&M) typically represents 80% of the lifetime of an infrastructure facility. In the Post-Construction Phase under a Design, Build, Finance and Operate or Maintain (DBFO or DBFM) P3 model, the private partner is responsible for the operation and/or maintenance of the newly constructed infrastructure for 10 years or more. The O&M responsibility includes all activities necessary to operate or maintain transit facilities, toll roads and other infrastructure. For civil infrastructure this includes supporting One Call notifications. An advantage of DBFO and DBFM P3 projects is that it is in the financial interest of the private partner to control O&M costs by optimizing O&M activities. This includes ensuring that accurate, up to date and complete location data for underground utilities and other infrastructure within the project limits is collected and maintained throughout the project life-cycle.
Application of SUE and as-built standards
During the Planning and In-Market Design (Bid) phases preliminary SUE investigations are conducted to collect and compile underground location data, typically to QL-D and QL-C quality levels. Building on these preliminary SUE investigations, the best practices for P3 projects proposed by the TAC requires the completion of a comprehensive SUE survey that achieves QL-B or QL-A quality levels for all underground infrastructure within the project limits. The TAC guidelines also require that as-builts submitted for all relocated infrastructure be compliant with CSA S-250, which is the Canadian as-built standard, corresponding to ASCE 75, the as-constructed standard in the US.
The guidelines for best practices for utility coordination on P3 projects provided by the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) makes subsurface utility engineering (SUE) the foundation for reducing the risk associated with underground utilities. The objective of SUE investigations is identifying and determining the accurate, up to date location of underground utilities including abandoned infrastructure. The TAC guidelines also require capturing and maintaining accurate location data for relocated utilities. Accurate and up to date location data for all underground utilities is critical for controlling costs during the O&M phase, which typically represents 80% of the lifetime of an infrastructure facility.