A panel entitled 'The Geoff Zeiss Utilities & Infrastructure Panel' is taking place in honor of Geoff Zeiss, who passed away in 2022, at the GoGeomatics Expo in Calgary this November 6-8, 2023.
Attendees at the GoGeomatics Expo, are looking forward to hearing about some of Geoff's favorite topics in the geomatics sector.
Geoff Zeiss Utilities & Infrastructure Panel
The panelists will examine the business case for Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) data, emphasizing its benefits, ASCE recommendations, regulatory implications in different states and legislative requirements. They will delve into a discussion of geospatial standards, specifically ASCE 38-22, ASCE 75-22, and CSA 75-250, focusing on their differences, potential alignment, and their impact on data quality. In addition look at the implementation of NATRF2022 and NAPGD 2022, with a particular focus on changes in datums, alignment across the Canada-U.S. border, and the dynamic nature of the NAPGD2022 geoid.
The moderator and panelists include, Peter Srajer Chief Scientist for ProStar, Steve Slusarenko of the Canadian Underground Infrastructure Register, Ophir Wainer, UESI Canada, Angus Botting with GeoScan, and Gord Reynolds, Vice President, Infrastructure Ontario.
Geoff Zeiss Urban Infrastructure Mapping Fund
Peter Pulsifer will present the Geoff Zeiss Urban Infrastructure Mapping Fund, which was established to develop effective and sustainable urban infrastructure through research and development supporting urban information systems. This talk outlines the initial goals of the fund envisioned by Dr. Zeiss. A framework is presented that outlines a comprehensive systems approach to developing a research program that informs a diverse set of themes ranging from subsurface mapping, to 4D modeling, to the mapping the economic and social dimensions of infrastructure.
Please join us as we continue Geoff's work and relaunch Between the Poles for the future.